In Memory of of our dear friend and colleague Alan Rafter-Phillips

News   2nd July 2024   
Portrait of Alan Rafter-Phillips against a desk with plans
sketch architectural hand drawn
Alan's sketches 
Architectural sketch
architectural sketch
architectural sketch
Architectural sketch
Architectural sketch
Architectural sketch
sticker for memorial
Alan’s family have kindly donated all his architectural books to JRA 

It was an honour to commemorate the life of our late friend and colleague Alan Rafter-Phillips. The evening was a fitting tribute to such a talented designer at one of the many projects he worked on, Grocers’ Hall.

Alan was a valued member of the JRA family whose exceptional talent as a designer contributed to buildings across London for almost forty years. He will be greatly missed as a mentor and friend.

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us and to the Grocers’ who kindly hosted.

Festus Moffat, John Robertson, David Magyar, Nathalie Bergvall, Smita M. Bhat, Etain Fitzpatrick, Mark Wibberley, Angela St Clair-Ford