JRA London window display-exhibition: Collective Design for a Sustainable Future

News   9th December 2024   
image of window display
Window display
image of window display
image of window display
view of window display

Collective Design for a Sustainable Future

JRA’s latest window display/lobby exhibition blends the fresh perspectives of young minds with the seasoned expertise of industry professionals. It presents original thinking on tackling climate change and offers crowd sourced solutions to the current disjunct between the urban and natural worlds.

We used the submissions we received for our 2024 London Festival of Architecture, Reimagine project as a base and have revisited a curated selection of the material to create new dialogues that deepen our exploration of the theme. Exhibits include 3D masterplans, drawings, and handmade maquettes.

Placing the exhibits in conversation highlights the importance of diverse perspectives and the vitality of knowledge sharing on a topic that affects us all. The exhibition provides a platform to amplify voices that are seldom heard, including children due to inherit our present designs and environmental decisions.

The exhibits fall into six categories:
1. Urban Greening
2. Green Buildings
3. Utilising Waterways
4. Prioritising Pedestrians
5. Increasing Biodiversity
6. Energy Creation

Interact with the exhibition by identifying how the children’s ideas crossover with industry experts.

With special thanks to all our contributors: Eckersley O'Callaghan, Sophie Ho, Andy Thomas, Hoare Lea, Michael Macias, David Magyar, Mark Wibberley, Sean Yong, JRA x ARUP, Rossella Faraci, and Star Primary School in Newham.

Drawing of flying dragon by tate modern
Sophie Ho
Thames River people swimming in pools by st Paul's cathedral
Rossella Faraci
drawing of orangutan's and children walking to school in the jungle
David Magyar
Maquette  of sustainable city by child
Pupil at Star Primary school, Newham
London underground map reimagines
Sophie Ho
architectural drawing and diagram of London
Eckersley O'Callaghan
AI generated Image of futuristic London
Horae Lea
drawing of cycle highway
Andy Thomas