ASCHB Society Lecture on Aldwych Quarter
ASCHB Society Lecture on Aldwych Quarter

11th February 2015

ASCHB Society Lecture on Aldwych Quarter

After the recent success of the Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings’ visit to Aldwych Quarter, John was invited to give a lecture to the group on Tuesday 10th February at The Gallery on Cowcross Street. Attendees were able to enjoy a glass of wine before hearing about the origins of Grade II listed Bush House, alongside the King, Strand and Melbourne Houses that make up Aldwych Quarter.

The lecture covered the history of the design and its creators, the 70 years spent as home to the BBC World Service and lastly JRA’s refurbishment, restoring the 1920s building to its former glory, brought up to standard for modern tenants.

The conservation society regularly host lectures based around notable architecture, monuments and landscapes and events are open to all.