JRA holds workshop ahead of London Festival of Architecture

19th May 2016

JRA holds workshop ahead of London Festival of Architecture

JRA is taking part in the London Festival of Architecture 2016, an annual city-wide celebration of architectural experimentation, thinking and practice throughout June. This year’s theme is ‘Community’, which JRA is exploring in the context of the workplace, capitalising on over 20 years of practice-wide expertise.

Working under our own title ‘Victorian Industrialist versus Millennial Entrepreneur’, JRA is using the LFA framework to reflect upon how people’s life aspirations and attitudes to work have evolved and affected communities.

To begin exploring this theme, JRA held an internal workshop with designers at all levels to discuss research, ideas and future predictions for workplace communities. High level discussion was able to flow over pizza and drinks. At the end of the night, ideas ranged from the strengthening of virtual communities allowing users to influence developments, to the increasing demand upon designers to create stimulating physical environments and our ever-evolving relationship with space and time.